
We’re with you all the way.

From your first consultation with us to the year following surgery, we’re here to help. While every patient’s journey is different, these are the steps our patients take to achieve life-long weight management through bariatric surgery.


Step one

Pre-surgical consultations and education

We begin by talking about your weight, your options and how to proceed best to help you realise your goals.


Step two

Pre-surgery and surgery

Next, our team of specialist consultants look at your holistic treatment from all angles in preparation for your surgery.


Step three

Post-surgery support

Finally, we remain here to help you maintain life-long weight management through ongoing support.

Book a consultation today…

call 03 9397 2223

The process for accessing superannuation can be quite daunting and to facilitate this there is a company called ‘SuperCare’ which will organise all of this for you. SuperCare is an external service provider assisting individuals and Family Members in applying for the Government’s Early Release of Super (ERS) Programme to cover surgery and medical costs. It is also permitted to access the super funds of a parent or spouse if your funds are inadequate. With the assistance of our innovative service, SuperCare can facilitate your application for funding obesity/bariatric surgery procedures. For further information, please contact the SuperCare team on 1300 665 440 or visit