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Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was designed to be a restrictive operation by dividing the stomach at the top, leaving a small pouch of stomach, then joining small bowel to the stomach remnant. The remaining stomach is left behind, but does not function in terms of digestion as no food passes through it.
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a key-hole operation which removes 60-70% of the stomach.
You are about to have a revisional bariatric operation. As you are aware, all weight loss operations may require revisional surgery due to a problem that has developed (eg. pouch dilatation/slippage with a lap band or gastric stenosis or reflux after a sleeve gastrectomy) or due to weight regain.
Gastric banding is a procedure that has been performed to treat obesity for about 20 years. Its long term results are well documented and on average 50-55% of excess weight will be lost.
BPD is usually performed where other procedures have failed or complications have occurred and is not generally performed as a primary weight loss operation.